Hello, I am working on a project that use a android phone to control arduino board via bluetooth. I have write a app by app inventor, however, my bluetooth module seems cannot receive and transmit signal.
But I am sure my code of arduino is correct, because when I enter signal in serial monitor, dc motor can response correctly, and on the arduino board, RX,TX are lighted on also. Problem is when I control via app, dc motor and RX,TX light have no response (my android had connected with arduino). Firstly, I thought my app logic is wrong, then I downloaded some source which is completed by others to try. Same result come out, it works if enter signal from serial monitor, doesn’t work if I press the button of the app.
According to the result, I think the problem is from bluetooth module, how can I test my bluetooth module is work or not? Can anyone give me some suggestion? Thank you.
PS: my bluetooth module should be connected right. ( RX–TX, TX–RX, GND–GND, VCC–3.3V) ,the baud rate set 9600