Micro OLED Breakout & Micro SD on UNO - HOW?

Noob here

Have a UNO that I am trying to get the sparkfun Micro OLED Breakout set up for SPI (if I read things correctly) and a generic Micro SD Card Reader (via SPI?) to both work. :?:

Both need Pins 10, 11, and 13 for CS, MOSI, and SCK.

Micro OLED also uses 2 additional pins besides 3.3V power and ground (8 & 9 in my setup)

Micro SD uses pin 12 (MISO) in addition to 5v power and ground

How do I set up so I can use both OLED and Mirco SD on the same UNO?

I want to display information and write it to a SD card.

Thank you

Each device needs a unique CS pin. It is the chip select pin. The others can be shared.

Make sure the voltage levels are compatible between the SD shield, OLED, and the UNO itself…

Whoops, totally missed that.