Grayscale Flexible OLED Breakout for Arduino Uno Wifi Rev2

I am trying to make the Sparkfun Flexible Grayscale OLED work not only on an Arduino Uno (there it works like a charm), but also on the Arduino Uno Wifi Rev2. I have understood that the Rev2 is entirely different from the Uno as it uses a different microchip and that the SPI signals are available only on the Rev2’s ICSP header rather than on D11-13 as it is the case on the Uno.

So I cabled SCLK from the display to SCK (ICSP-3) and SDIN from the display to MOSI (ICSP-4). Everything else (i.e. CS, RES, GND and VIN) I left unchanged like on the Arduino Uno, also in the code.

Nothing works. Is there anything else I have to change in the wiring or in the code, especially when initializing the display?

//Initialize the display with the follow pin connections

SSD1320 flexibleOLED(10, 9); //10 = CS, 9 = RES

Or in the SSD1320_OLED.h library used for the Flexible Grayscale OLED in connection with the SPI.h library?

Thanks so much for your help!!!

It looks like our library hard codes MOSI and SCK to the pin numbers an Uno uses and those are different on the Uno WiFi boards.

Sadly we don’t have a fix for this right now, but if you put in an issue on the [libraries Github page, the author will see that and may be able to get it fixed.](SparkFun_SSD1320_OLED_Arduino_Library/src at master · sparkfun/SparkFun_SSD1320_OLED_Arduino_Library · GitHub)

Hi Chris! Thanks so much! Have put in an issue at Github. Nevertheless: Thought that you guys, especially your colleague El_Duderino, could help as it seemed the case for a very similar issue involving a Micro instead of an Arduino Uno. Could he potentially have a look at it? Here the other post: viewtopic.php?f=63&t=50048