Micro pro uploading using hex file


I have just purchased a micro pro (not sure if its 5 or 3.3v as the underneath doesnt have either box ticked!)

I have managed to upload a test sketch into it and now want to upload a hex file direct. The software doesnt seem to allow this so I am trying with arduinouploader but its getting stuck at Forcing reset using 1200bps open/close on com13.

I reset the board (which gives me 8 secs in bootloader) and then run the program but its the same every time.

Can anyone help me? I only have the hex file to upload.



I’ve managed to find it - I used the command ‘avrdude -p atmega32u4 -c avr109 -P COM13 -U flash:w:.hex -v’ which worked a treat from the windows command line.