MicroMod Asset Tracker and micro-SD card compatibility with micro-SDHC/SDXC?


I have the MicroMod Asset Tracker here:

https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/mi … e-overview

It has a micro-SD card slot. I’m wondering, will this work with micro-SDHC or micro-SDXC? Because from my reading the slots that work with micro-SD won’t work with micro-SDHC or micro-SDXC, but it the micro-SDHC kind will work with an micro-SD kind. HC = high capacity and XC = extended capacity.

Thanks for any help!!!


Does anyone know the answer to this? Thanks! :slight_smile:

I do not have an Asset tracker, but use the SDHC cards in many other devices of Sparkfun ( OpenLog, Qwicc Openlog, Micromod mainboard, Micromod datalogger. They all work in SPI-MODE, not SD-mode.

The bigger issue is making sure you have a library that can handle the right file-system ( FAT16/FAT32 or ExFAT. Personally, I like the SDFAT library (https://github.com/greiman/SdFat)

I do not have an Asset tracker, but use the SDHC cards in many other devices of Sparkfun ( OpenLog, Qwicc Openlog, Micromod mainboard, Micromod datalogger. They all work in SPI-MODE, not SD-mode.

The bigger issue is making sure you have a library that can handle the right file-system ( FAT16/FAT32 or ExFAT. Personally, I like the SDFAT library (https://github.com/greiman/SdFat)

Thanks, Paul! I appreciate the feedback. I’ll take care to focus on the file system issue.

