MicroMod Asset Tracker and STM32 unable to connect to SARA

I am running the MicroMod Asset Tracker with the STM32F405 RGT6 and I am unable to get the AssetTracker Examples to connect to SARA.

For example AssetTracker_Example7_GNSSAntennaPower

This test fails to connect, while it is not required for the above test it is for future tests.

init: Begin module init.

sendCommandWithResponse: Command: E0

init: Module failed echo test.

init: Begin module init.

init: Attempting autobaud connection to module.

sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600

sendCommandWithResponse: Command:

sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600

sendCommandWithResponse: Command:

sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600

Replacing the STM32 with the shipped update tool board and sending direct AT commands works.

I have seen similar posts but those were dealing with the AWS version.

The firmware version is 3.15.

Arduino Settings

Board: Generic STM32F4 Series

Board Part Number: SparkFun MicroMod STEM32F405 DFU

USB Support: CDC (generic ‘Serial’ supersede U(S)ART)

U{S)ART Support: Enabled (generic ‘Serial’)

USB Speed: Low/Full Speed

Thank you for your help

UPDATE: I have been able to test this with another STM32 board and it works. It looks like the STM32 board i was using was defective.