I’ve purchased the SARA-R5 starter kit and I’m hitting a roadblock.
When the Asset Tracker Update Tool board is mounted on the carrier, I can successfully send AT commands to the SARA board.
However when I mount the Micromod ESP32 and try to run the examples from the GitHub repo Micromod_Asset_Tracker, it always fails to connect to the SARA.
With debug:
init: Begin module init.
sendCommandWithResponse: Command: E0
init: Module failed echo test.
init: Begin module init.
init: Attempting autobaud connection to module.
sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600
sendCommandWithResponse: Command:
sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600
sendCommandWithResponse: Command:
sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600
sendCommandWithResponse: Command:
sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600
sendCommandWithResponse: Command:
sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600
sendCommandWithResponse: Command:
sendCommandWithResponse: Command: +IPR=9600
sendCommandWithResponse: Command:
init: Begin module init.
init: Power cycling module.
powerOff: complete
powerOn: complete
init: Module failed to init. Exiting.
Unable to communicate with the SARA.
Manually power-on (hold the SARA On button for 3 seconds) on and try again.
and so on…
And to be clear the SARA is turned on.
Am I doing anything wrong?
I tried everything and I’m not sure what else to do to be to communicate with the SARA from the ESP32.
Help would be greatly appreciated.