Micromod Asset Tracker - Cannot communicate over Serial


I just plugged in my Micromod Asset Tracker - LTE GNSS Breakout with SARA R510 and am not able to communicate with the IC with my Ardunio Uno. I think the problem was that the Arduino was using a 5V serial connection and so I have swapped to a 3.3V connection using a bidirectional converter. Is there any way to test the device to see if the serial connection still works? I am able to use the USB-C port to communicate with the device through UBlox’s application.

Thank you so much.


Still having issues, but I took a look at the board files and this doesn’t make sense. It’s saying that the middle USB (which I know works), utilizes the same bidirectional converter as the serial inputs I was using for the microcontroller? Does that mean it could be the Arduino or the code’s fault? Either both should work or neither should work.


I got the GPS working with M-Center but can’t figure out how get SMS messages to and from the module. I activated the SIM card and am able to detect cell networks and configure the IP of the module, but can’t get an ERROR when trying to receive or send texts. Is there any tutorial to follow to help me on my way?
