I’m using DMA to get data out of the camera and store it into my 64k of memory using a stm32. I was able to get rgb data working after some time but i’m having a hell of a time with the jpeg.
If someone could answer these questions it would save me tons of time. I’m developing a small inexepensive robot btw, you can see it on my site zonemikel.com
1.) what do i put for restart_int and qscale for the constructor
CreateJpegHeader(char *header, int width, int height, int format, int restart_int, int qscale)
2.) after i’ve generated the jpeg header can i just append the same one to any image created by the camera with the same settings ?
3.) when i call capture image what do i need to do after that to “accept” the image, do i need to rewrite some registers so that the camera knows i’ve accepted the jpeg ?
- Lastly, call the “CAPTURE” command:
• seq.cmd = 2 // ID = 1, Offset = 0x03
4.) I’m Using areospace’s registry settings from page 2 of these forums, I changed the size to 128x96, and turned on binning like it says in the dg. is that all i need to change ?
If the image size is less than or equal to 800 x 600, binning mode with 1ADC must be
enabled by:
• R0x20:0[10] = 1 and R0x20:0[15] = 1
5.) if i’m using test mode 7 to get just a white background should my jpeg data always be the same ? (for testing)?
6.) does this work ? I seem to still get a clock on invalid data ? Wouldnt i still get a clock when it goes back into preview ? Can someone explain how we go from preview to capture and what is the purpose ? Page 2, reg 13/0x0D bit 2
Enable pixel clock during invalid data: When this bit is set, the pixel clock runs continuously
while FRAME_VALID is asserted but LINE_VALID is de-asserted. When cleared, it causes the
pixel clock to be active only when valid JPEG data are output. Disabling pixel clock during
LINE_VALID de-assertion is not support in spoof frame.
With all of these questions and the dma/i2c thrown into the mix it becomes a mess trying to figure anything out.
This is what i do, or at least i’m trying to do.
set all registry settings
enable dma triggered by pixclk (only on valid data)
send capture command = writeDriver(0x01, 0x03, 1, 0x02); //Calling Capture
wait for jpeg status to show data available = while(CAM_ReadReg(0x02) == 0) // on pg2
disable dma, clean up camera registers
extract valid jpeg image from dma memory buffer
send to computer, append header, show
Thanks for any help on any portion of these questions, code would be awesome !