pcDuino3 Camera Code

I’m using the Camera Module SEN-13100 with the pcDuino3 board.

I need to modify the code so the camera outputs RGB565 instead of JPEG format. I plan to capture that and send it to my own display.

I’ve just started working with this board, so it’s new to me.

I’ve worked with cameras before, and it is usually very tricky to set up the internal registers to get what you want.

I have a few basic questions:

  1. Which development system is used for the installed camera code?

  2. Is the camera code available, so I can look at it before I start?

  3. Which is the best development system to use for this project?

  4. Has anyone worked with the camera code and can you provide a sample?

Any answers or sample code you can provide will be really appreciated.

Thank you for your help and support.

