Micropython compatibility of qwiic_rfid.py module


I would just like to know if the qwiic_rfid.py python module is compatible with micropython ?

I’m a beginner, and I would like to know this before purchasing the SparkFun RFID Qwiic Reader.

The goal would be to use micropython code with XBEE 3 to read scanned cards.

Thank you !


Not as-is; The Qwiic RFID Python package current supports the following platforms:

Raspberry Pi

NVidia Jetson Nano

Google Coral Development Board

The package is fairly small (20KB), however, so you might be able to fit it with a custom import to your micropython libraries

Hi !

I’m working on this (for RFID)… I was able to make the Sparkfun LCD (I2C) module work with micropython. I had too create an Xbee I2C compatible library.

I’ll let you know.