MicroSD breakouut board with Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

I’m attempting to use the Sparkfun microsd breakout board https://www.sparkfun.com/products/544 with an arduino Nano 33 BLE sense. So far i have focused on trying to get the read card info example from the sd card library working with the following connections

• VCC Sparkfun pin to 3.3V Arduino pin in this case as we’re using a 3.3V supply

• GND Sparkfun pin to GND Arduino pin

• SCK sparkfun pin to SCK (pin 13) Arduino

• DO Sparkfun to MISO (pin 12) Arduino

• DI Sparkfun to MOSI (pin 11) Arduino

• CS Sparkfun to (recommended) pin 10 Arduino

I’ve changed the chipselect to 10 in the code but am still getting the message

Initializing SD card…initialization failed. Things to check:

  • is a card inserted?

  • is your wiring correct?

  • did you change the chipSelect pin to match your shield or module?

which occurs when initialization has failed. What could i be doing wrong?


Sorry to hear that you’re having trouble getting your SD card to work with the Arduino Nano 33. Can you verify if your libraries are up to date, such as this [Arduino forum post?](Can not use Arduino SD libraries with Nano 33 BLE - Nano 33 BLE - Arduino Forum)