Microview & Bubble Display 7 segment = Not working

Hi together,

I got stuck at an actual project at home. Besides some sensors and actors (which all are working fine), I have some trouble with the display. Hardware wiring was no problem at all, programming is a problem. Here my setup:

Microview on a breadboard, resistors, wires, bubble display.

According to the Sparkfun Learnpage (here: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/bu … okup-guide) we have to pinout the HP Bubble Display:

  //This pinout is for a bubble dispaly
   //Declare what pins are connected to the GND pins (cathodes)
   int digit1 = 8; //Pin 1
   int digit2 = 5; //Pin 10
   int digit3 = 11; //Pin 4
   int digit4 = 13; //Pin 6

   //Declare what pins are connected to the segments (anodes)
   int segA = 7; //Pin 12
   int segB = 6; //Pin 11
   int segC = 10; //Pin 3
   int segD = 3; //Pin 8
   int segE = 9; //Pin 2
   int segF = 4; //Pin 9
   int segG = 2; //Pin 7
   int segDP= 12; //Pin 5

But now comes the problem, as the Microview uses the Pins 0-6 and A0-A5. According to this page here http://learn.microview.io/intro/general … oview.html. So after wiring and including the library in my Arduino project, I just adjust the pin declaration:

  //This pinout is for a bubble dispaly
   //Declare what pins are connected to the GND pins (cathodes)
   int digit1 = A0; //Pin 1
   int digit2 = 0; //Pin 10
   int digit3 = A1; //Pin 4
   int digit4 = A2; //Pin 6

   //Declare what pins are connected to the segments (anodes)
   int segA = 1; //Pin 12
   int segB = 2; //Pin 11
   int segC = A4; //Pin 3
   int segD = 5; //Pin 8
   int segE = A3; //Pin 2
   int segF = 3; //Pin 9
   int segG = 6; //Pin 7
   int segDP= A5; //Pin 5

But when I now try to compile my project, I get a lot of errors. And they all result from the fact, that the “SevSeg.h” library can’t handle the variables filled with A0-A5.

Does anyone know how this can be fixed? Can this be fixed by changing the “SevSeg.h” library?

Thanks and regards,


It compiled fine for me with your changes.

Here’s the complete sketch that I used:

 March 6, 2014
 Spark Fun Electronics
 Nathan Seidle
 Updates by Joel Bartlett

 This code is originally based Dean Reading's Library deanreading@hotmail.com
 He didn't have a license on it so I hope he doesn't mind me making it public domain: 
 This code is public domain but you buy me a beer if you use this and we meet someday (Beerware license).

 This sketch provides a simple counter example for the HP Bubble display from SparkFun.

 Pinout for HP Bubble Display:
 1:  Cathode 1
 2:  Anode E
 3:  Anode C
 4:  Cathode 3
 5:  Anode dp
 6:  Cathode 4
 7:  Anode G
 8:  Anode D
 9:  Anode F
 10: Cathode 2
 11: Anode B
 12: Anode A

#include "SevSeg.h"

//Create an instance of the object.
SevSeg myDisplay;

//Create global variables
unsigned long timer;
int deciSecond = 0;

void setup()

  int displayType = COMMON_CATHODE; //Your display is either common cathode or common anode

 //This pinout is for a bubble dispaly
  //Declare what pins are connected to the GND pins (cathodes)
  int digit1 = A0; //Pin 1
  int digit2 = 0; //Pin 10
  int digit3 = A1; //Pin 4
  int digit4 = A2; //Pin 6

  //Declare what pins are connected to the segments (anodes)
  int segA = 1; //Pin 12
  int segB = 2; //Pin 11
  int segC = A4; //Pin 3
  int segD = 5; //Pin 8
  int segE = A3; //Pin 2
  int segF = 3; //Pin 9
  int segG = 6; //Pin 7
  int segDP= A5; //Pin 5
  int numberOfDigits = 4; //Do you have a 1, 2 or 4 digit display?

  myDisplay.Begin(displayType, numberOfDigits, digit1, digit2, digit3, digit4, segA, segB, segC, segD, segE, segF, segG, segDP);

  myDisplay.SetBrightness(100); //Set the display to 100% brightness level

  timer = millis();

void loop()
  //Example ways of displaying a decimal number
  char tempString[10]; //Used for sprintf
  sprintf(tempString, "%4d", deciSecond); //Convert deciSecond into a string that is right adjusted
  //sprintf(tempString, "%d", deciSecond); //Convert deciSecond into a string that is left adjusted
  //sprintf(tempString, "%04d", deciSecond); //Convert deciSecond into a string with leading zeros
  //sprintf(tempString, "%4d", deciSecond * -1); //Shows a negative sign infront of right adjusted number
  //sprintf(tempString, "%4X", deciSecond); //Count in HEX, right adjusted

  //Produce an output on the display
  myDisplay.DisplayString(tempString, 0); //(numberToDisplay, decimal point location)

  //Other examples
  //myDisplay.DisplayString(tempString, 0); //Display string, no decimal point
  //myDisplay.DisplayString("-23b", 3); //Display string, decimal point in third position

  //Check if 10ms has elapsed
  if (millis() - timer >= 100)
    timer = millis();


Hi Robert,

If Scott is able to compile, maybe you can paste the exact error from Arduino IDE please?

Also what is the version of Arduino IDE you used to compile the sketch?



Hi together!

First of all: IT WORKS! Perfect!

But it wasn’t actually the code that was wrong because the scratch from scotta didn’t compile ether. So I had to look somewhere else and finally found the problem. My Arduino IDE was set to Adafruit Trinket / USBtinyUSP and not to Arduino UNO / Com1. And that was the problem. Two weeks ago, I tested something on the Trinket and changed those settings.

With correct settings, everything worked. Even my old scratch.



lol, I love a scratch that works!