MIDI shield connected to WAV trigger not putting out signal through serial port

Hi, I’m trying to use a SparkFun MIDI shield fed by a MIDI controller to trigger .wav files in a WAV trigger without success. I must be missing something very dumb, as it seems it should be pretty straightforward.

I’m connecting my MIDI source (an Arduino putting out a continuous loop of 128 notes) to the MIDI shield and then the MIDI shield to the WAV trigger via the TX port on the MIDI shield and the RX port on the WAV trigger. The WAV trigger is also providing 5V and GND to the MIDI shield.

I have confirmed my Arduino is putting out a correct MIDI signal. I also tested the setup using a DAW with a loop of all the MIDI notes connected via a Focusrite soundcard putting out MIDI into the MIDI shield and I got the same result of nothing.

The WAV trigger is setup to MIDI baudrate. According to the documentation, this should be enough for the incoming signal from the RX port in the WAV trigger to trigger some wav files but nothing is happening.

I am reading the TX output on the MIDI shield with an oscilloscope and all I’m getting is a constant 3.3V DC signal, regardless of the MIDI signal going into its MIDI input. I should expect to see a signal here alternating from 0 to 3.3V.

Attached is a picture of the setup. I have only soldered the MIDI input connector and headers for 5V in, GND and TX on the MIDI shield. The switch is set to RUN. I have not soldered the ports or the buttons, as I don’t intend to use their functionality.

The WAV trigger is functioning correctly, it has 60 numbered wav files and is set up with MIDI baudrate. The button for track 1 triggers the first file and plays it via the headphone jack. This is the configuration file:


This file was generated by the Robertsonics Configurator v2.20

for use with the WAV Trigger firmware. It is only required if

you wish to over-ride default settings. You may add your own

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The MIDI shield is available here: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12898

The WAV trigger is available here: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13660

Jamie Robertson, who I understand is the designer of the WAV trigger, and sold (now discontinued) a similar MIDI interface device has a video using this here starting at minute 5:00 where he connects his MIDI interface to the WAV trigger using 5V, GND and TX on the MIDI interface to RX on the WAV trigger and successfully triggers the tracks in the WAV trigger with a MIDI device connected to his MIDI interface: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUkcs_XL5x0

There’s a guy on another now closed thread who apparently did this but there was no follow up: viewtopic.php?f=112&t=50726&p=207205&hi … ut#p207205

Do you have any thoughts as to what I could be missing?

I’ve not used that MIDI shield before, but according to the schematics on the product page, it appears that the output of the MIDI IN opto-isolator is connected to the “RX” pin, not the “TX” pin. I guess that makes sense - “RX” means the received MIDI.