Migrating from Xbee Pro to Xbee s2B

Hi everyone.

I have just recently got a pair of Xbee S2B modules which I intend to be just for normal Serial transmissions between my Uno and my PC.

The problem is, XCTU lists a completely different setup from Xbee Pro’s, which had me really confused.

It was different with Xbee Pro, where I just had to set the PAN ID.

Which part should I adjust to pair the Xbees?



I don’t see anything on that screen that says “PAN ID” :-/

I haven’t personally used one of those (retired product); your best bet might be to go through their documentation here https://hub.digi.com/support/products/d … ser-guide/ and or look on their forums for the differences between the S2B version and the Pro that you were previously using

That appears to be the WIFI (802.11) version of the XBee.

Not positive, but I think those xbee’s need to connect to a wifi access point to be “paired.”