"unbricking" my XBee Pro Series 2?

I’ve run into a bit of bad luck with my XBee modules. I have two Digi XBee Pro Series 2 with wire antenna, and I wanted to use them in the mode where you can have one module send data to other (and the other direction as well), but I really want to try to pass digital signals over the air. Basically, I’d have a sensor connected to one module, and when its state changes, I want the other module to pick up this state change. I’ve seen the Digi document on how to make the config changes in X-CTU, but my understanding was that I’d first have to change the firmware on my XBee modules and “downgrade” them to Zigbee from ZNet (which is what I thought the series 2 used).

From the package at http://www.digi.com/support/kbase/kbase … sp?id=3025, I followed the directions exactly, and everything seemed to go just fine with the firmware update. I set hardware flow control, enabled API, and then under Modem Config I selected XBP24-ZB and “ZIGBEE ROUTER/END DEVICE DIGITAL IO”. I checked “Always update firmware” and then clicked Write.

The firmware write seemed to go just fine, and it made some innocuous report at the end, but it certainly looked like everything went without a hitch.

Now I’m trying to connect to the modules with Test/Query in X-CTU, and it can’t make a connection. I’ve tried all combinations of selections and am having no luck at all. Does anyone here know what I should try next?