Mini-bully programming via BT

I can use a USB to Serial adaptor to program using the provided bootloader so I assumed that the Bluesmirf silver would work too.

However the bootloader doesnt seem to be able to program when using the BT SPP.

Is there a reason this isnt possible or am I doing something wrong? I simply connected the BT serial to the pic serial and gave both modules a connection to the same power supply.

I can connect the serial port ok, send and receive data to and from the pic with existing code, when I try to program it I get strange errors.

I am guessing it’s because the mini bully uses the DTR line as a reset and that line isn’t being controlled through the Bluetooth connection. You could try doing a manual reset of the mini bully to see if that works.

I of course did manual reset, I get the errors during the program sequence, it just keeps repeating memory address ranges over and over then gives timeouts and things.