Minimize logomatic's power consumption

Hey all,

I’m trying to find ways to cut the logomatic’s power consumption down as much as possible. Right now I’m getting about 80 mA. All I can think of is disabling some LEDs but it needs more than that. All it’s doing is UART0 in mode 0. Also, I keep seeing that this thing has a RTC but I can’t see it physically or see it used in the code. If it is powered, that’s something else to depower.

Another step I’ve taken is modifying the firmware so it only writes to one file and keeps appending. This is helpful because now I can keep the datalogger powered down as long as possible and turn it on whenever I need to write. I’ll probably release it sooner or later if someone could find that useful.


Two simple things you can do:

  1. Reduce the clock rate. Because the CPU clock is generated by the internal PLL, setting the PLL to a lower speed is an easy way to do this. Slightly more difficult is replacing the crystal.

  2. Put the CPU into IDLE mode when possible.

would you kindly post how you did it (the file thing), also, how to slow down the PLL? Am logging once minute, every 5 mins would be better. Its for room tempeatures. … p5June.gif

how to slow down the PLL?]

I found all the information I needed in the data sheet. You can see how I did it for the V1 hardware [here.](

Steffen595: In case you didn’t see it I’ve posted it here: viewtopic.php?t=15890