I’d like to be able to get the output from an R/C receiver to go into a PIC, then contol the servo’s via the PIC insted of directly.
By doing this, I could add sensors to the Remote controlled car that made it impossible to (for example) stear into a wall.
The Idea would be that without any input from the sensors, the R/C’s PWM signal is decoded by the PIC, then “passed on” as is to the output of the PIC circuit, which would control, as usual the stearing and speed of the vehicle. As the sensors picked up obsticals getting closer then the output would be modified slightly at first ( i.e. the car starts to veer away from the wall), but as the sensors pick up more or bigger obsticals, then the output is modified more, until the car is eaither turned in the oposite direction and / or the speed shut down.