MMC5983MA ( SPX-19034) not found on Qwiic bus

I’m using an (it has a Qwiic-compatible connector) on a Windows PC in a C++ application, using FTDI’s MPSSE library. I can happily load the FTDI DLL and open a channel, but trying to access the MMC5983MA (I2C address 0x30) always reports FT_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND. The red LED on the Sparkfun MMC5983MA board is illuminated so it seems to be powered and cabled OK. Here’s what I get:

ftd2xx.dll loaded OK!
Found at least one channel on FT232H
Information on channel number 0:
                ftHandle=0x0 (0 unless channel is open)
handle=0xdca5f0 status=0
MMC5983MA_IO_WindowsQwiic_C::init opened and initialized channel AOK
Ooops, device 0x30 not found!

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Best Regards, Dave

I’m using SEN-19921, original post had wrong part number, sorry.

Update: I’m able to access the sensor AOK using Adafruit’s older MCP2221-based breakout board.

Seems the problem is the FTDI libraries and/or the way I’m using them.

I’d be grateful for any helpful suggestions,


Best Regards, Dave