Troubleshooting Qwiic Components


I am troubleshooting various Qwiic components including two Qwiic Micro boards, magnetometers MMC5983MA, QwiicNarrowOLED, and RFID ST250V64KC. I first tried the magnetometers on a brand new Arduino Portenta, which I could not get readings for. I then tried using two different Qwiic Micro Boards, (one of them turned out to be broken right away). With each attempt it either didn’t print anything, printed “MMC5983MA did not respond. Retrying…”. One magnetometer’s light didn’t even turn on. To troubleshoot the magnetometers to see if the boards and wires are working, I have been using the OLED and RFID tag. Eventually, those seemed to have burnt out as well. Please advise how to troubleshoot further.

Have you set only one set of pull-ups active on the bus, like last time? Using SparkFun Qwiic Multiport and Qwiic Components in Series

Share a photo of your setup. Test the qwiic micro with a basic blink sketch to confirm it is working properly alone…then add the 1st qwiic device/sensor (whichever one you’re planning on keeping on the bus permanently, that one should be the set of i2c resistors that you leave active)


Thanks for your response. The blink sketch works. Below is a picture of the connections:

I am using the SPI_Simple_Measurement example sketch. It prints “MMC5983MA did not respond. Retrying…”.

Hi @CloudInnovations ,

It looks like you are trying to use an SPI code example? The MMC5983 supports both SPI and I2C (Qwiic), but the board you have is hardwired for I2C / Qwiic. Please try the I2C_Simple_measurement example instead.

I hope this helps,