MocroMod ATP + MocroMod ESP32 + CAN-BUS Shield

I am looking to use the MocroMod ATP + MocroMod ESP32 + CAN-BUS Shield for a CAN-BUs project. I have recently ordered the components and am awaiting them in the mail.

I was wondering if anyone has any guidance or information/details on the best way to interconnect the MocroMod ATP board pins to the CAN-BUS Shield pins. I know it’s a seamless connection of the CAN-BUS Shield and Red Board/UNO but not quite sure about MocroMod ATP board pins to the CAN-BUS Shield pins.


As an aside, it might be simpler to use an adruino-sized board, so the shield can simply socket into it, but if you’ve already ordered them:

For the CANBUS, it has 3 communication protocols: SPI, Analog In, and Software Serial/UART…the hookup guide … 1615791300 has instructions for selecting which is active

The micromod ATP offers those and more, just follow the hookup guide … 1615791300 and wire the relevant pins