Model 'Automatic Door' servo application.

Hi All,

I’m out of my depth here.

I build sailing (tall) ships for museums. There static. Just sit there.

I can build most anything but making it move is beyond me.

There is a five year old on the autism spectrum in my life who is fascinated with automatic doors in stores.

A basic, five minutes to make, example is attached.

My goal is to create RC automatic doors for him for Christmas.

What I don’t know is what type servos, wire, power source and controller to buy. Having visited two experts at RC model stores was no help at all. You need to know what your after before you go there.

There will be two sets of doors: one sliding to a recess on each side and one opening in and out like wing flaps.

The doors (individually) will be 4’ x 7", plexiglass and weigh almost nothing. The sliding doors will be on wheels, the in and out doors will be on an overhead arm (90 degree opening).

Anything…I mean anything you can advise will be greatly appreciated by the little guy…and me.

Respectfully, Geoff :roll:


Making it remote controlled is probably better off done as a second project, but for just getting the doors opening and closing with a switch would be pretty easy with a few parts.

You’d need two standard servos, two servo trigger boards and a switch. Part numbers below would work.

  • - 2x ROB-11884 (servo motors)
  • - 2x WIG-13118 (controls servo motors)
  • - 1x COM-09276 (ON/OFF switch to open/close doors)
  • - 1x TOL-15312 (5 volt power supply for servos and control boards)
  • - 1x PRT-10288 ( handy adapter so you don't have to cut the wires on your power supply)
  • Check the [[guide for the servo trigger]( for connections. :-)

    The servo triggers let you select the open and closed positions for the servos, the switch lets you set the doors in either state. Once you have things working with a switch, you can figure out how to remote control it later.](