"monitor" command not supported by this target

Hello out there,

for allmost a week now i have tried to debug my homebrew AT91SAM7X256-system with Olimex ARM-OCD-JTAG and Yagarto sw, OpenOCD.

Finally, saturday night i get those funny (???) error description lines.

Can anyone Please give me a hint?? :roll:

WHERE am i beeing stupid?

Besides the point: have a nice weekend!

Here is the full list:

247-gdb-set confirm off



248-gdb-set width 0



249-gdb-set height 0



250-interpreter-exec console echo



251-gdb-show prompt

251^done,value="(gdb) "


252 target remote localhost:3333

&“target remote localhost:3333\n”

target remote localhost:3333

&“putpkt: write failed: No such file or directory.\n”

putpkt: write failed: No such file or directory.

252^error,msg=“putpkt: write failed: No such file or directory.”


253 monitor soft_reset_halt

&“monitor soft_reset_halt\n”

monitor soft_reset_halt

“monitor” command not supported by this target.

monitor arm7_9 force_hw_bkpts enable

“monitor” command not supported by this target.

&“"monitor" command not supported by this target.\n”

253^error,msg=“"monitor" command not supported by this target.”


254 monitor arm7_9 force_hw_bkpts enable

&“monitor arm7_9 force_hw_bkpts enable\n”

&“"monitor" command not supported by this target.\n”

254^error,msg=“"monitor" command not supported by this target.”


255 symbol-file F:/ARMdev/workspace/QROlle3G/main.out

&“symbol-file F:/ARMdev/workspace/QROlle3G/main.out\n”

symbol-file F:/ARMdev/workspace/QROlle3G/main.out

&“No registers.\n”

255^error,msg=“No registers.”


256 thbreak main

No registers.

&“thbreak main\n”

thbreak main

&“No hardware breakpoint support in the target.\n”

No hardware breakpoint support in the target.

256^error,msg=“No hardware breakpoint support in the target.”


257 continue



&“The program is not being run.\n”

The program is not being run.

257^error,msg=“The program is not being run.”



&“No registers.\n”

No registers.

258^error,msg=“No registers.”





260 info program

&“info program\n”

~“The program being debugged is not being run.\n”



261 info threads

&“info threads\n”

&“No registers.\n”

261^error,msg=“No registers.”


262 info threads

&“info threads\n”

&“No registers.\n”

262^error,msg=“No registers.”


263-environment-directory F:/ARMdev/workspace/QROlle3G F:/ARMdev/workspace/QROlle3G/.dep F:/ARMdev/workspace/QROlle3G/.settings



264 info threads

&“info threads\n”

&“No registers.\n”

264^error,msg=“No registers.”





266-break-insert main.c:238



267-break-insert main.c:243






&“The program is not being run.\n”

The program is not being run.

268^error,msg=“The program is not being run.”


269 info threads

&“info threads\n”

&“No registers.\n”

269^error,msg=“No registers.”


270 info threads

&“info threads\n”

&“No registers.\n”

270^error,msg=“No registers.”


271 info threads

&“info threads\n”

&“No registers.\n”

271^error,msg=“No registers.”


If somebody was going to help me: please do not bother! For some reason the OpenOCD and GDB runs FOR THE MOMENT… :oops: