MP3 Player Shield Hookup tutorial

I am using an Arduino R3 with the Mp3 Player shield. The hardware set up is as given in the ‘Hookup’ tutorial. The two libraries, SFEMP3Shield and SdFat are in the Arduino IDE libraries folder. The files to be played are on a 2GB micro sd card formatted in FAT32 and take the form track001.mp3. The sketch example ‘MP3 Shield Trigger’ by Jim Lindblom has been downloaded and placed in the Arduino folder. The line in the example code - if (!sd.begin (SD_SEL, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) has been changed to - if(!sd.begin (9, SPI_HALF_SPEED)). On compiling the example code, I get two error messages -

1: error -SdFat sd; does not name a type. 2: 118 void initMP3Player () error - MP3 Player is not declared in this scope.

Please can you clarify what is wrong. I have used two different computers running Windows 7 Home Premium and I have tried both Arduino 1.0.1 and Arduino 1.0.5 -same result. Many thanks for all suggestions.

I have resolved the compile error stated in my topic by deleting my existing copies of library folders SFEMP3Shield and SdFat and downloading fresh copies from the Sparkfun website. The sketch now compiles as expected. A gremlin must have got into my computers.