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Super frustrating.
Here is the relevant supplied .ino Arduino code from … miDemo.ino.
void setup() {
// Serial monitor
// Initialize the LED pin
// We should wait for the Tsunami to finish reset before trying to send
// commands.
// Tsunami startup at 57600
Why does it startup serial at 9600 then report it is starting at 57600 in the comment and also in the user guide?
The default baudrate is 57.6kbps, but this can be changed by placing the appropriate entry in the init file using the Configurator.
Also, the TXB0108 breakout board that Sparkfun sells is designed to drive capacitive loads of up to 70 pF. The output drivers of the TXB0108 have low DC drive strength. If pullup or pulldown resistors are connected externally to the data I/Os, their values must be kept higher than 50 kΩ to ensure that they do not contend with the output drivers of the TXB0108.
For the same reason, the TXB0108 should not be used in applications such as I2C or 1-Wire where an open-drain driver is connected on the bidirectional data I/O. For these applications, use a device from the TI TXS01xx series of level translators. Except Sparkfun doesn’t sell any?
What’s even more confusing though is that the hookup guide ( … okup-guide) seems to indicate that SPI is perfectly fine for this chip and SPI is much higher speed than I2C is. So one would generally assume that it would work with TTL or I2C data rates but that doesn’t appear to be the case?
Sparkfun says: Depending on the high and low side voltages, the bandwidth on the individual signal channels can range from 20Mbps up to 100Mbps, making the TXB0104 suitable for higher speed signals such as SPI.
But Sparkfun doesn’t specify that it is unsuitable for I2C or TTL? Can it not handle below 20 Mbps well? Can the Sparkfun TXB0108 based logic level converter be used with TTL and I2C or should we look for a different chipset based board? We located some that use TXS0102, TXS0104 and TXS0108 chips as well as PCA9306 ones that should also work with the Tsunami?