Using serial connection to the Tsunami, which input I should give to activate a trigger?

Dear Sparkfun,

I’m having trouble activating the triggers from a serial communication from Arduino mega to Tsunami, using the port 4.

In the guide I read:

"The “Active – 3.3V” options disables the internal pull-up for the trigger, requiring either an external 3.3V signal to bring the input “high”. This allows the trigger to be driven with the digital output of another micro controller. "

I know that the inputs come from the library commands, but I can’t find the library command that mentions directly the triggers, so, I don’t know which command I should use to activate any trigger.


Using the Arduino library to control the Tsunami (or WAV Trigger) via the serial port has nothing to do with the trigger inputs. They are two completely separate ways of controlling Tsunami. You can’t activate triggers serially - not sure why you’d ever want to. The triggers are for controlling via hardware, and the serial connection is for controlling via software.

Thank you very much for your reply,

We’re working only with library and arduino mega.

For my project I need to play 6 tracks in sync (muted), then fade-in the volume of each track once I activate a switch connected to each track

We managed to play 6 tracks together, using stereo tracks and stereo firmware (mono wav and firmware can’t be heard at all)

When we assigned a switch for each track to fade-in when activativated, we couldn’t make it work.

All tracks should run separeatlly and after pressing each button, a track should be fading-in and voulme increasing, while releasing the button should make the track fade-out

Can you suggest a techinque to implement this using Arduino code through serial communication?

Have a nice day
