MPU9250 and ICM-20948


Hope you are doing well.

Previously, I built a system to get the 3D rotations of a joint in the human body using Sparkfun MPU9250, however, I can see now it is retired and ICM-20948 is the updated version of MPU9250. I am just wondering if the same codes of the MPU9250 can work on ICM-20948 since I already used and adjusted the codes for MPU9250. Moreover, I saw the open-source codes for ICM-20948, but still I am not sure if they are the same as MPU9250’s codes. Please can you confirm whether I can use the same MPU9250 codes that I used before while using ICM-20948 if I purchase it? Note: the microprocessor that I am using is ESP32 Thing Plus (Sparkfun). Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


You would need to edit the libraries to match…so the short answer might be “no”, but “yes” with a bit of work … rduino/src … e/main/src