Digital Motion Processing on the SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout

Hello! I am working with the SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout and Invensense’s ICM-20948. Would anyone be able to help me get Digital Motion Processing (DMP) working on the IMU? I found two guides for implementing DMP with the ICM, but they are for the Nucleo Board and the ATSAMG55 Board. Both of these guides came with software kits found at … downloads/

If anyone had advice or instructions on how to implement DMP with the SparkFun Board specifically it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Wow! No replies! I guess, not many people know about the 20948. I’m just ordering mine and I’m overwhelmed with the documentation. I’m a hobbyist who has never worked with these things before and I’m trying to understand them. Perhaps we can share experiences.

Hi there - those guides for those boards might be the best resource for now. It will take some sleuthing but you should be able to get that code working on pretty much any microcontroller w/ enough memory to store the code+DMP image. My guess is that you will need to replace the interface functions (write_byte, read_byte, write, read, etc…) with implementations that use the Arduino API. (If you are using Arduino, or whatever API you have avalable for I2C/SPI transactions).

We can’t provide much in the way of instructions for this because the DMP code is behind a restrictive NDA. (And for that reason I haven’t actually gotten to try it out myself either…)

Good luck and if you get it working I’d be happy to hear about it!