ICM-20948 Sparkfun 9DoF IMU Breakout


I am trying to access the DMP engine on the ICM-20948.

Does anyone have any information on the ICMs registers for DMP settings or outputting DMP data to FIFO?

The datasheet seems to leave out a lot where there should be information on the DMP. Only four register user banks are detailed and not in full, with “reserved” slots everywhere.

Does InvenSense really keep all this close to the chest?

Perhaps this is common practice with IMUs?

I’m a little new to this but I am currently working on a project using these sensors and I would greatly appreciate any and all information on this!

Thank you.

Hi there,

Yes unfortunately they do hold on to that info tightly - at least so much that we can’t provide any of their source code. However you can log into their developer’s zone (https://www.invensense.com/developers/l … developers) to sign an NDA and get access.

One more potentially helpful resource was pointed to in this issue on github:

https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_IC … -513279262

I’d like to get back to the DMP support but our hands are really full with other projects at the moment. Good luck! Let us know what you find out :slight_smile: