ICM-20948 Arduino library

Hey Guys, I have had a lot of fun testing out multiple IMU’s at the moment, in particular the Sparkfun icm20948, and want to branch off into using more. For my project I need the Pitch and Roll values and am trying to use a 6-dof chip because the application is not really suitable for Magnometer values. I also am trying to avoid Legacy products such as the MPU6050 and am trying to keep current generation.

Anyways here is my problem:

I am planning on using the Invensense Chips and I wanted to know how you guys captured “icm20948_img.dmp3.a.h” as I am trying to enable Quaternion values on other chips but it seems that the memory must be calibrated. Im pretty sure I can get a grasp on using MotionApps/DMP to enable the neccessary components in Atmel Studio but I just wanted to know how you read the outputs into that file.

Any guidance is very much appreciated,

