
Hi there

Right I’ll say it I have no idea about this. I have spent a little time reading on here to solve the problem but tbh i have had no luck with it.

I installed the software IAR Embedded Workbench IDE, then installed the drivers for the programmer now when i connect and try to debug the code that is supplied with the software in an example i get a nice little error :frowning:


Sun Jun 06 15:34:23 2010: Failed to load debugee: C:\Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 4.0\430\FET_examples\msp430x1xx\C-source\Debug\Exe\msp430x1xx (C).d43

Now i would not be so annoyed if i could find the issue but the manual/user guide as far as i can tell is not very helpful so if someone on here could help me solve the problem or point me in a direction to solve it.

At the moment I am running windows 7 32-bit. So in my eyes it should work then again the read me first constantly says only supported on XP and 2000 so maybe i need to reinstall that or use the virtual XP mode to get it all working??

Please help, would be very grateful :slight_smile: :smiley:

also the software seems to crash a lot and freeze… but they be the underpowered PC i have…