I unzipped the dll’s and installed the USB device driver per the readme file. When I startup debug in IAR I get the message “FATAL ERROR, Failed to initialize device, Session aborted!”. I moved the JTAG-TINY from the custom board to an Olimex MSP430-P1121M and got the same result. The debugger options in IAR has “FET Debugger” selected and the FET debugger options have “TI USB FET” selected.
I found one instance of MSP430.dll and did what the readme file said to do, I didn’t look in any of the other folders. Finally did a file search and found a MSP430.dll file lurking in a another folder, apparently this was the one I should have replaced.
I am facing the same issue.What exactly have you done to solve it? I have 2 msp430.dll on my system, both do not work… Please provide a step by step description of your solution.
I actually have read the instructions and did exactly what is told in them, but I still can’t use IAR… This is what I’ve done:
Installation of IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430, 4K KickStart Edition v. 3.42A;
Installation of USB drivers (MSP430-DLL drivers 1.012) after plugging device to usb port;
I’ve made a copy of .dlls: FTD2XX.dll, CP210xManufacturing.dll, HIL.dll, MSP430.dll, SiUSBXp.dll, from MSP430-DLL drivers 1.012 to C:\Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 4.0\430\bin (some were replaced, and some added)
turn on IAR EW, tried to create a new project and received an error:
After that IAR is shutting down… opening some previous project is giving the same result… I’ve tried firs to install USB drivers and than IAR - it doesn’t change anything… Adding those dlls from olimex zip file to …\common\bin doesn’t change anything… I’m using M$ windows XP Media Center eng. I hope someone will help me with this…