IAR gives a fatal error when trying to use JTAG-TINY

I unzipped the dll’s and installed the USB device driver per the readme file. When I startup debug in IAR I get the message “FATAL ERROR, Failed to initialize device, Session aborted!”. I moved the JTAG-TINY from the custom board to an Olimex MSP430-P1121M and got the same result. The debugger options in IAR has “FET Debugger” selected and the FET debugger options have “TI USB FET” selected.

Any suggestions on what I may have missed?

Thank you

I found one instance of MSP430.dll and did what the readme file said to do, I didn’t look in any of the other folders. Finally did a file search and found a MSP430.dll file lurking in a another folder, apparently this was the one I should have replaced.

I am facing the same issue.What exactly have you done to solve it? I have 2 msp430.dll on my system, both do not work… Please provide a step by step description of your solution.

Thank you very much.

Same probleme here.

JTag-tiny installation : Ok. Windows find the device and seems to initialise it.

Copy of the DLLs (FTD2XX.dll, HIL.dll, MSP430.dll, SiUSBXp.dll) in the …/Embedded Workbench 4.0/430/bin folder. I didn’t find any other msp430.dll.

Then when i launch IAR with an existing project, i have the message :

“Broken options were detected in the project file. A backup copy will be made (See log window for details)” (only the usb option, i think)

"Runtime Error !

Program: …R Systems\Embedded Workbench 4.0\common\bin\IarIdePm.exe

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in a unusual way.

Please contact the application’s support team for more information."

Then IAR is closed.

Drivers : MSP430-USB-1-010

Embedded Workbench : 3.41 (FET_R452.exe)

Windows : XP Home edition (french edition / sp2). I have try on a windows 2000, it is the same problem.

If someone know how to fixe it, thanks to say me how.

And the same with me:

I actually have read the instructions and did exactly what is told in them, but I still can’t use IAR… This is what I’ve done:

  1. Installation of IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430, 4K KickStart Edition v. 3.42A;

  2. Restart;

  3. Installation of USB drivers (MSP430-DLL drivers 1.012) after plugging device to usb port;

  4. I’ve made a copy of .dlls: FTD2XX.dll, CP210xManufacturing.dll, HIL.dll, MSP430.dll, SiUSBXp.dll, from MSP430-DLL drivers 1.012 to C:\Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 4.0\430\bin (some were replaced, and some added)

  5. restart

  6. turn on IAR EW, tried to create a new project and received an error:

"Runtime Error!

Program: …R Systems\Embedded Workbench 4.0\common\bin\IarIdePm.exe

abnormal program termination"

After that IAR is shutting down… opening some previous project is giving the same result… I’ve tried firs to install USB drivers and than IAR - it doesn’t change anything… Adding those dlls from olimex zip file to …\common\bin doesn’t change anything… I’m using M$ windows XP Media Center eng. I hope someone will help me with this…

problem solved!

Actually important is ORDER in witch you copy the dll’s to your bin folder. First I’ve replaced:

  1. hill.dll;

  2. msp430o.dll

than added

  1. siusbxp.dll

  2. CP210xManufacturing.dll

  3. FTD2XX.dll

Now it works fine… I hope somebody will find that helpful :slight_smile: