

I have a MSP430f2013 for a project.

I want to generate 30 kHz and 38 kHz on this microcontroller for sending and receiving Infrared-signals on these frequencies. The electronically circuit of sending and receiving IR-signals already works. But now I have to generate the frequencies.

I have no experience with C language, can someone help me to start with the setup of 38 kHz? I really appreciate that.

Best wishes,


I think you should use either P1.2, P1.6, or P2.6 to send IR signal. Which one do you intend to use?

If you have no experience with C language, I suggest that you use Assembly. But either way, you have to learn how the MSP430F2013 works.

Are you using eZ430-F2031? Did you read the F2xx Family User’s Guide?