Multiple TCA9548A multiplexers are not working correctly with more than 3 connected.

Currently I’m working on a project where I want to use multiple scales in a fridge. When something will be taking out of the fridge the scale detects the different weight and send an event to my server. At this moment I can’t figure out why it’s not working…

I’m using a Raspberry Pi 4 Modal B with a pHat attached to the GPIO pins. Then the I2C signal goes to the first TCA9548A to use the bus with 8 different channels. After the first TCA9548A I have connected 3 more TCA9548A (with different addresses) for using multiple NAU7802 in my project. See image below.

(I need the 8 channels multiplexer because the I2C address of the NAU7802 is 0x2A and is hardware defined. A multiplexer/Mux is required to communicate to multiple NAU7802 sensors on a single bus.)

Now the problem that I’m facing is that the TCA9548A is working for the first two multiplexer. When the signal will go through the third multiplexer it can only find 1 NAU7802 sensor. (I have 3 connected to that mux). And the fourth multiplexer can only find 2 NAU7802 sensors. (I have 4 connected to that mux).

Now the strange thing is that when I connect only the first 3 muliplexers everything is working correctly. Why is the fourth multiplexer giving me this problem?

Products that I use:

SparkFun Qwiic pHAT v2.0 for Raspberry Pi

SparkFun Qwiic Mux Breakout - 8 Channel (TCA9548A)

SparkFun Qwiic Scale - NAU7802


import qwiic_tca9548a
import PyNAU7802
import smbus2
import time
import json
import requests

def enable_port(mux: qwiic_tca9548a.QwiicTCA9548A, port):

def disable_port(mux: qwiic_tca9548a.QwiicTCA9548A, port):

def initialize_mux(address):
    mux = qwiic_tca9548a.QwiicTCA9548A(address=address)
    return mux

def create_instance():
    mux = []
    addresses = [*range(0x70, 0x77 + 1)]

    for address in addresses:
        instance = initialize_mux(address)

        if not instance.is_connected():

        print("Connected to mux {0} \n".format(address))


            "instance": instance,
            "scales": [],

    return mux

def create_bus():
    bus = smbus2.SMBus(1)
    return bus

def initialize_scales(mux):
    scales = []
    bus = create_bus()
    ports = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

    for port in ports:
        enable_port(mux, port)
        nau = PyNAU7802.NAU7802()

        if not nau.begin(bus):
            # print(f"NOT CONNECTED TO SCALE: {port} \n")
            disable_port(mux, port)

        print(f"Connected to port: {port} with mux: {mux.address} \n")

            "port": port,
            "nau": nau

        disable_port(mux, port)

    print(f"scales initialised: {scales} with mux: {mux.address} \n")

    return scales

def get_calibration_data_file_name(mux):
    return "tare_mux_" + str(mux["instance"].address) + ".json"

def main():
    mux = create_instance()

    for i, val in enumerate(mux):
        mux[i]["scales"] = initialize_scales(mux[i]["instance"])

if __name__ == "__main__":


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ i2cdetect -y 1
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
70: 70 71 72 73 -- -- -- --                         
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ python3 
Connected to mux 112 

Connected to mux 113 

Connected to mux 114 

Connected to mux 115 

Connected to port: 0 with mux: 112 

Connected to port: 3 with mux: 112 

Connected to port: 4 with mux: 112 

Connected to port: 7 with mux: 112 

scales initialised: [{'port': 0, 'nau': <PyNAU7802.NAU7802.NAU7802 object at 0xb59a11d0>}, {'port': 3, 'nau': <PyNAU7802.NAU7802.NAU7802 object at 0xb59a1210>}, {'port': 4, 'nau': <PyNAU7802.NAU7802.NAU7802 object at 0xb59a1930>}, {'port': 7, 'nau': <PyNAU7802.NAU7802.NAU7802 object at 0xb59a1630>}] with mux: 112 

Connected to port: 0 with mux: 113 

Connected to port: 3 with mux: 113 

Connected to port: 4 with mux: 113 

Connected to port: 7 with mux: 113 

scales initialised: [{'port': 0, 'nau': <PyNAU7802.NAU7802.NAU7802 object at 0xb59a1b30>}, {'port': 3, 'nau': <PyNAU7802.NAU7802.NAU7802 object at 0xb59a1b50>}, {'port': 4, 'nau': <PyNAU7802.NAU7802.NAU7802 object at 0xb59a1a90>}, {'port': 7, 'nau': <PyNAU7802.NAU7802.NAU7802 object at 0xb59a1a70>}] with mux: 113 

Connected to port: 4 with mux: 114 

scales initialised: [{'port': 4, 'nau': <PyNAU7802.NAU7802.NAU7802 object at 0xb5a30ad0>}] with mux: 114 

Connected to port: 0 with mux: 115 

Connected to port: 3 with mux: 115 

scales initialised: [{'port': 0, 'nau': <PyNAU7802.NAU7802.NAU7802 object at 0xb5a309f0>}, {'port': 3, 'nau': <PyNAU7802.NAU7802.NAU7802 object at 0xb5a30a50>}] with mux: 115


The combined pull-up resistance of the 4 muxes is adding up to too much; you probably need to cut one or more of the i2c traces on the front side of the boards.

Cut the 4th one’s traces, and see if that helps. If not, swap that mux into the 1st position…and keep going from there. You can always re-solder the traces by putting a blob of solder onto them

Thank you for your interesting answer. I honestly never looked into pull-up resistors before. I’ve cut the traces and everything is working now. :smiley: