Did you end up solving this problem? I am having a similar issue with the same hardware, though intermittently.
I can successfully get a serial output from all of the NAU7802’s on some occasions, and on other occasions not all of the sensors output or no sensors output at all. Pressing the reset button on the Arduino after connecting the USB sometimes fixes the problem.
I have limited knowledge of Arduino etc. but it seems to me the sensors aren’t always ACK ing when: ```
Does the NAU7802 require some sort of reset when switching between channels on the TCA9548A?
Each NAU7802 is connected to the 5V & GND on the Arduino and to a SDA and SCL port pair on the TCA9548A. The SDA and SCL ports on the TCA9548A are connected to the A4 and A5 pins on the Arduino Uno. The load cells are [https://au.rs-online.com/web/p/strain-gauges/8937398](https://au.rs-online.com/web/p/strain-gauges/8937398).
Code is based on the Library provided by SparkFun and is below:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <EEPROM.h> //Needed to record user settings
#include “SparkFun_Qwiic_Scale_NAU7802_Arduino_Library.h” // Click here to get the library: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_NAU8702
NAU7802 myScale; //Create instance of the NAU7802 class
//EEPROM locations to store 4-byte variables
#define LOCATION_CALIBRATION_FACTOR 0 //Float, requires 4 bytes of EEPROM
#define LOCATION_ZERO_OFFSET 10 //Must be more than 4 away from previous spot. Long, requires 4 bytes of EEPROM
bool settingsDetected = false; //Used to prompt user to calibrate their scale
//Create an array to take average of weights. This helps smooth out jitter.
#define AVG_SIZE 4
float avgWeights[AVG_SIZE];
byte avgWeightSpot = 0;
void tcaselect (uint8_t bus) {
if (bus > 7) return;
Wire.beginTransmission(0x70); //TCA9548A address is 0x70
Wire.write(1 << bus); // send byte to select bus
void setup()
Wire.setClock(400000); //Qwiic Scale is capable of running at 400kHz if desired
for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
if (myScale.begin() == false)
Serial.print(“Scale “);
Serial.print(” not detected. Please check wiring.”);
myScale.setSampleRate(NAU7802_SPS_10); //Increase to max sample rate
myScale.calibrateAFE(); //Re-cal analog front end when we change gain, sample rate, or channel
void loop()
float settingCalibrationFactor[8];
long settingZeroOffset[8];
//Calibration settings for load cell #0
settingCalibrationFactor[0] = 1071270.00; //Value used to convert the load cell reading to lbs or kg
settingZeroOffset[0] = 1000;
//Calibration settings for load cell #1
settingCalibrationFactor[1] = 47020.00; //Value used to convert the load cell reading to lbs or kg
settingZeroOffset[1] = -105445;
//Calibration settings for load cell #2
settingCalibrationFactor[2] = 1213750.00; //Value used to convert the load cell reading to lbs or kg
settingZeroOffset[2] = 108850;
//Calibration settings for load cell #3 [GOOD]
settingCalibrationFactor[3] = 32770.00; //Value used to convert the load cell reading to lbs or kg
settingZeroOffset[3] = 7122;
//Calibration settings for load cell #4
settingCalibrationFactor[4] = 1135370.00; //Value used to convert the load cell reading to lbs or kg
settingZeroOffset[4] = -326103;
//Calibration settings for load cell #5 [GOOD]
settingCalibrationFactor[5] = 34400.00; //Value used to convert the load cell reading to lbs or kg
settingZeroOffset[5] = 9587;
//Calibration settings for load cell #6
settingCalibrationFactor[6] = 1135370.00; //Value used to convert the load cell reading to lbs or kg
settingZeroOffset[6] = -326103;
//Calibration settings for load cell #7
settingCalibrationFactor[7] = 1135370.00; //Value used to convert the load cell reading to lbs or kg
settingZeroOffset[7] = -326103;
for (int i = 0; i<8; i++)
tcaselect(i); //select load cell
if (myScale.getReading() != 0)
//Pass these values to the library
long currentReading = myScale.getReading();
float currentWeight = myScale.getWeight();
Serial.print(": ");
Serial.print(" Wt: ");
Serial.print(currentWeight, 2); //Print 2 decimal places
Serial.print(" ");
if (Serial.available())
byte incoming = Serial.read();
if (incoming == 't') //Tare the scale
else if (incoming == 'c') //Calibrate