hi all, i am working on a project where i plan on using a force sensitive resistor such as this one https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11207 and programming it using an Arduino to track the individuals steps of a runner. If this sensor linked above would be placed below the toes where less initial pressure is placed, would 25lbs be sufficient to register a step without making false positives?
You’d need to try it out to be sure, but I imagine it would work.
Actually these kind of projects need lots of research in trial and error basis. What I have read about your project from your writing, seems like this will may work. If you are using arduino, you have to read the analog value of the sensor using analogread() function. You have to see the value when you make an actual step and when you just touch the treadmill with your toes. If you get a steady difference between these two values, then you can be sure that it will not make any false positive. You also will have to test your setup with people of different body weights.