Myoware 2.0 Wireless Shield Battery

Hello everyone,

Is it possible to replace the Polymer Lithium battery that comes out-of-the-box with the Myoware 2.0 Wireless shield with any other Lithium Ion battery available on Sparkfun? I tried to use the Lithium Ion Battery - 400mAh ( battery with my myoware wireless shield after soldering JST-SH pins to it. The charging indicator LED switches on, but the battery doesn’t seem to power the board when an external USB-C power source is disconnected.

Thank you!

You probably need to charge it for a day or more…or you might have to charge it separately (the charge circuit on the myoware shield is designed for the smaller battery and pushes very low amps)

What voltage is the bigger battery at? Does the small one still work if you plug it back in?

You probably need to charge it for a day or more…or you might have to charge it separately (the charge circuit on the myoware shield is designed for the smaller battery and pushes very low amps)

What voltage is the bigger battery at? Does the small one still work if you plug it back in?

The bigger one is also 3.7V, the same as the original battery. The board continues to work with the smaller battery. I tried to charge it for about 8 hrs (the charging current is supposed to be 40mA). I can try charging it for a day to see any difference.