MyoWare Muscle Sensor Kit

Hi there,

I’m pretty new in the forum as well as measuring any muscles contraction/tension. However, I would like to track the tension of muscles in my back (the area of my lower back and neck and shoulders) while I’m sitting at desk during the day. So, I’m not going to move so much during this test. Therefore, I’m wondering, whether this device fits to that or not. And if it fits, is there any way to have a better illustration of this tension vs time instead of the LEDs.

I’d appreciate your answers. Cheers

The sensor was designed by MyoWare to measure the bicep muscle. In areas with multiple fine muscles it will be very difficult to get clear readings. It could be possible, but will take a bit of leg work on your part.

The sensor was designed by MyoWare to measure the bicep muscle. In areas with multiple fine muscles it will be very difficult to get clear readings. It could be possible, but will take a bit of leg work on your part.

Ja. sounds not fitting really. Thanks for your reply.