The BLE Sense 33 integrates the LSM9DS1 IMU onboard.
Can I use a second LSM9DS1 via the I2C interface with the Sparkfun library?
Also, Adafruit has a QWIIC version but Sparkfun does not???
The BLE Sense 33 integrates the LSM9DS1 IMU onboard.
Can I use a second LSM9DS1 via the I2C interface with the Sparkfun library?
Also, Adafruit has a QWIIC version but Sparkfun does not???
Don’t know if sparkfun’s library will work with the Nano BLE, you’d need to give it a try. If it does work, you should be able to add a second sensor but you might need to change the address so you don’t have a conflict with the one on your arduino board.