9 DOF Sensor Stick

I am trying to use the LSM9DS1_Basic_I2C example from https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/9d … no-library on an ESP32. When I open the serial monitor I am unable to get a connection to the board and have checked my connections multiple times and everything is connected correctly. Some times when it does show data, the data does not update when I move the board around.

Does anyone have an ideas how to fix these issues?

Have you tried with multiple sensors?

I only have the one to test with. Are you suggesting it might be a DOA board?

I’m not sure just yet. Do you have an Arduino Uno or RedBoard to try as well?

From what I understand, the sensor stick is 3v3 only and the only arduino I have is a nano and no level shifters.

So long as you power the board with 3.3V, the logic levels should be fine. From the Hookup Guide:


This board runs on 1.9V to 3.6V. Be sure to power the board from the 3.3V pin! I2C uses an open drain signaling, so there is no need to use level shifting; the 3.3V signal will work to communicate with the Arduino and will not exceed the maximum voltage rating of the pins on the LSM9DS1

Its working on a nano. Any idea whats causing this?

My assumption would be that there might be compatibility issues with the two boards. You could try looking at the ESP32 Thing Motion Shield which uses the LSM9DS1 IC to see if there might be something missing.

As far as I can tell, there is no difference between the sensor stick and the motion shield as far as the LSM9DS1 chip is concerned. I am also now having the issue of not connecting to the sensor stick with the arduino. Any ideas?

Which Arduino product is it not working with?
