9DoF Sensor Stick Issue

9DoF Sensor Stick - SEN-13944

I got this board for christmas and just started using it. It was working fine and then suddenly stopped. I just happened to touch the sensor stick and it was very hot. I unplugged the MCU and the sensor stick immediately and let it cool down. I then plugged in the MCU the board was hooked up to and the sensor stick immediately becomes very hot so I unplugged it again. I thought maybe the MCU was causing the problems but upon checking with a multimeter all voltages and lines appear to have nominal readings. I then tried hooking the sensor stick up to a different MCU, and when I plugged in the MCU it was attached to the stick immediately became very hot. Again, voltage levels and resistance was ok. Not sure how else to troubleshoot it. Any suggestions? Boards tested on were a Wemos D1 Mini Pro, and a Adafruit Huzzah ESP8266.


MCU -----Sensor Stick

VCC(3.3) ---- VDD

GND --------- GND

SDA --------- SDA

SCL --------- SCL

Sorry to hear you’re having issues!

It sounds like there may have been a voltage regulation issue on your MCU and the sensor stick may have gotten a higher voltage than 3.3v. Can you PM me your order number so I can have a look at what options we have for you?