Hi there,
I am a student working with the ICM-2048 IMU, I’m using 3 to hopefully track arm position and orientation.
I however have run into a weird problem, my 3 sensors all respond differently to the same code.
The first ‘well behaved’ sensors works completely as expected, it outputs the 9 DoF Quaternions and Accel data.
My second sensor will give me its ID, but when I try to read the FIFO it is empty as if I initialized it incorrectly.
The third sensor just gives me the same value for every register after being initialized. If ask for its ID it just gives me a random value. If I read the FIFO it just gives me the same value as many times as I ask.
I am really confused what is going on and would love some suggestions. I know it cant be the hookup because one sensor works and I hook them up all the same way. So why do 3 sensors react widely different from each other? Did I just break 2?
For the Technical details:
My code is in LabVIEW and I’m using an myRIO-1900.
My code is based on the GitHub arduino code from the sparkfun website, so it should function summarily if not identical.
I am using the DMP functionality, if that changes anything.
The sensor code is: SEN-15335 at https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15335
I attached pictures of the front and back of my sensor, and a screenshot of the ‘Same random value’ issue.
I have grounded the ADO connector.
If any of you need anything more from me let me know