SparkFun_Qwiic_6DoF_LSM6DSO only sending constant values

Hello everyone,

I’m having a bit of an issue with viewing the accelerometer, gyroscope, and temperature readings on the Arduino serial monitor. Basically the values don’t change whatsoever, (there’s no noise, nothing) and the values are being outputted every second just like the code said it would.

I have followed this link in setting up this imu: … okup-guide

and am using the Basic Readings example that was provided on the page (I’ve added the zip file that includes this code)

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Miss Summerjam

SparkFun_Qwiic_6DoF_LSM6DSO_Arduino_Library-main (1).zip (29.1 KB)

Do you mind sharing a a couple photos of the wiring/setup you have?

Are you using i2c or SPI?

Hi there,

I am using I2C communication with the LSM6DSO IMU. Since yesterday I’ve run a I2C scanner on it and unfortunately the Arduino Uno didn’t pick up any I2C devices. Typically if a device isn’t found that means that there is a bad connection somewhere, but I’ve tested every connection multiple times with a multimeter and am sure that the pin to pin connections themselves are correct since I’ve followed Sparkfun’s Hookup Guide for this imu.

The logic shifter is working too, when I read the voltages there’s a clear 3.3V on the LV side and 5V on the HV side.

Thank you for helping out!

I’m having an identical issue. Just reading 0’s for the accelerometer data and Gyroscope. I’m hooked up to the QWIC connector on a Sparkfun ESP32 Thing Plus.

Here’s a snippet of what I’m seeing on the serial monitor, sorry forgot to include earlier. The accel, gyro, and temp readings that you see here are just repeated over and over again despite movement (or standstill) of the imu.


I ran an I2C scanner program, and It’s not finding any devices. Anything i can measure with a multimeter to test if the board is working?

I’m struggling with the same issue that miss.summerjam posted. Regardless of motion, this is the output I get from the basic readings example:

15:56:00.613 → Thermometer:

15:56:00.613 → Degrees F = 77.000

15:56:01.608 → Accelerometer:

15:56:01.608 → X = 3.996

15:56:01.608 → Y = -0.062

15:56:01.608 → Z = -0.062

15:56:01.608 →

15:56:01.608 → Gyroscope:

15:56:01.608 → X = -1.120

15:56:01.608 → Y = -1.120

15:56:01.608 → Z = -1.120

I also had it print the result of myIMU>getAccelFullScale() and the value output is 255. I’m confused because I thought it was supposed to be 2g, 4g, 8g etc. Thanks for any help!

I’m having a similar problem, using the QWIIC connector, only that the gyro Y and Z values remain constant. This occurs on two different SEN-18020 modules.