need compiler for LPC2148

hello i am new in ARM family i want C comipler(or any other compiler) which is free or also paybel but easy to understand for programming LPC2148 please help me

hello i am new in ARM family i want C comipler(or any other compiler) which is free or also paybel but easy to understand for programming LPC2148 please help me

yes, either GCC/Eclipse/Yargto

or if your code is 32KB or less, the free version of IAR or Keil.

hello i am new in ARM family i want C comipler(or any other compiler) which is free or also paybel but easy to understand for programming LPC2148 please help me

Our development system, Astrobe, uses the ARM Oberon-07 compiler. If you are familiar with programming in Pascal or Delphi you should find it easy to understand for programming. If you only have a limited budget the latest copy of Australian Personal Computer magazine has included a free full version of v3.0 Personal Edition on its cover CD.

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