Beginner's question: LPC2138 IDE

Hi All,

I’m attempting to learn to use the LPC2138 and would really appreciate your advice on which compiler / debugger / JTAG to use since I know nothing!

I don’t mind paying a little for the environment, I just want to get started as soon as possible and as easily as possibly. I’ve been looking at IDE from Rowley and Keil. (I’m using XP).

I’m getting a development board from Olimex:

I just want to be able to compile and debug, but it seems that not all JTAGs are compatible with the different IDEs…

Sorry if this sounds confused.

Thanks in advance.


Hello Ben,

take a look here:

Or search the web for WinARM, GNUARM.

Even there exist some test version for Keil, IAR and Rowley.

Some people like the free toolchains, some like the commercial one.

Best regards,


Eclipse IDE for ARM … clipse.pdf

Free & Powerful

Hi All,

Just to let you know that I went for the Olimex LPC-MT-2138 with the Rowley Cross Studio IDE that works well with the Olimex JTAG, too.

With a little modification, the GCC example for the eval board work well and there’s a port of freeRTOS for Rowley / LPC2138 (though not exactly the same eval board) which works well with a minimal amount of modification.

I’d definitely recommend this configuration for someone that wants to get started quickly at a low cost. The only “expensive” part is the Rowley IDE which I think is very reasonable for the personal licence.

Thanks for all your help.

I too went with rowley, but for a ADuC board.

For a minimal price I have access to a load of examples, and an environment that seems to just plain work. (If you don’t think this is valuable take a look at the OpenOCD forum…)