Need help on likely defect parts of LMV358

I just purchased “ SparkFun OpAmp Breakout - LMV358”. After connectting Vcc with 5 V and GND to power supply GND, the output always shows 2.5 V even without input connected. It’s likely to be a defect parts. Need help on contacting SparkFun customer supportt to replace a new one.

What happens to the output when you connect a signal to the input?

That is the expected behavior. Study the circuit diagram, noticing the bias arrangement and the AC coupling.


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I believe you are correct. I’m not EE major. So, I don’t have enough experience with op amp. But I did build a Simulink model and verified your comments. Thanks for the help.

The circuit is better described as an audio amplifier, not an “op amp”, but the design is textbook standard, using op amps as building blocks.