Hi all,
I want to access Port 0 in ARM lpc. Can anyone guide me in to use Keil to declare Ports (as we do in 8051).
any eg codes if u can plz. Awaiting for your reply
Hi all,
I want to access Port 0 in ARM lpc. Can anyone guide me in to use Keil to declare Ports (as we do in 8051).
any eg codes if u can plz. Awaiting for your reply
Which ARM processor u use?? u might get better help if u tell us.
briefly , playing with ports set/clear/direction etc… is done for eg. on LPC2xxx family, by the PINSEL,FIOSET, FIOCLR,PINMODE etc…
32 bit uC are different from 8 bit. read the user manual of ur uC.
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