Hi all,
Just a newbie here,I need to build a 2-axis balance plate (motorized ) to balance a sensor (MPU6050) and implement PID controller.
Like balance a plate for a ball, i need similar help to build a 2 axis stepper motor based PID controller.
Hi all,
Just a newbie here,I need to build a 2-axis balance plate (motorized ) to balance a sensor (MPU6050) and implement PID controller.
Like balance a plate for a ball, i need similar help to build a 2 axis stepper motor based PID controller.
Hi shanijo92,
Unfortunately, we do not really have much information available on our site to help you with this project. We have a couple of blog posts like [this that shows an Inverted Pendulum Robot. That has some basic information and tips to help users get started building their own.
A quick search turned up [this tutorial on Hackster.io that might help you get started. Otherwise, you could search other tutorials sites like [Instructables for some examples.](https://www.instructables.com/)](two wheeled self balancing robot with stepper motor. - Hackster.io)](Enginursday: Steps Toward an Inverted Pendulum Robot - News - SparkFun Electronics)