need some help getting started


working with olimex’s avr-mt-128:

the site there has test code that i’ve been trying to get running in avr studio 4. i haven’t been able to compile it, having not been able to find the and include “mega128.h” and “delay.h”

would be great if i could get some code to start working.

have spent many hours trying to find somewhere to start but haven’t had any luck.


having not been able to find the and include “mega128.h” and “delay.h”

Are you using avr-gcc (WINAVR)? If so, I assume you've installed WINAVR. Instead of including "mega128.h", use:``` #include ``` The compiler will include the correct header file based on yu device setting.

Also, for “delay.h”, you want:```
#include <avr/delay.h>


I have changed this things in the sample C code but i get about 50 errors when compiling.

what is wrong here?

have you read the newbie stuff on WinAVR that is on

You might also want the simplicity of a low cost IDE for GCC on the AVR - such as It’s pretty good and makes the compiler learning curve much easier - no make files, and an ordinary IDE experience. There’s a demo trial.

and CodeVision C AVR is pretty inexpensive.

Why would i want a low cost IDE for GCC on AVR when the AVR studio is free and comes with the GCC compiler?

Why would i want a low cost IDE for GCC on AVR when the AVR studio is free and comes with the GCC compiler?

well, I like the IDE because it greatly simplifies creating and sustaining a project. Apparently a lot of others do too, as there are several free and inexpensive IDEs for GCC - project files + editor + flash programmer in one UI. I guess I’m accustomed to an IDE having used such for all languages for several years.

Some folks are OK with independent programs. And AVRStudio with GCC isn’t an IDE in my opinion.

Whatever floats your boat.